This past year has been a turbulent one to say the least, and it has surely wreaked havoc on our mental as well as physical health. If most of us led a sedentary lifestyle before, staying cooped up at home owing to an extended quarantine, with nothing but food and Netflix to rely on comfort, […]
7 Best Weight Loss Programs we Are Still Loving in 2021
Most of us are starting the New Year with fervent promises of shedding a few pounds and following a healthy lifestyle. And what better to lose weight than by changing your diet? The sheer number of diet plans we hear about day after day can be overwhelming, but here are a few science-backed, most popular […]
15 Most common Weight Loss Mistakes That Can Hamper Your Fitness Journey
Losing weight seems like a far-fetch dream since you don’t see the scale moving an inch despite rigorous exercise, strict diets, and following all the advice anyone ever gave you. It can be heart wrenching to see no results even when you seem to be doing everything right. Did you ever think that perhaps you […]
6 Herbal Teas that help you Lose More Weight than an Hour at the Gym
The next time you head over to your go-to coffee bar, consider skipping the cold-brew iced coffees, caramel macchiato, and pumpkin-spice lattes, and ask for a calming, soothing, steaming cup of tea. Because in addition to the numerous health benefits afforded by various teas, studies have elucidated the weight loss benefits of tea as well. […]
10 Surprising Foods you Didn’t Know Could Promote Weight Loss
A weight-loss eating plan isn’t just about the stuff you can’t have. Why spend your life downing humdrum salads and bland foods when you can eat all your favorite munchies and still lose weight? There are foods you can add to your diet to shed those stubborn pounds, all the while, making your diet more versatile and […]
8 Reasons To Add Boxing To Your Fitness Routine
For most people, boxing may seem like a rough sport that is not for them, but in reality, it is one of the most viable full-body workouts you can do without much ado. So if you want a full-body workout that would have you sweating it out as you crush calories and garner a sculpted, […]
7 Research-Based Hacks to Lose Fat Fast and Keep it Off
Whether you are trying to burn off excess fat, controlling weight, or want to improve your overall health, losing weight is a daunting task that needs loads of effort and determination. Losing actual body fat is quite challenging and requires significant changes in your diet and exercise routine to increase the fat burning process. By […]
The 9 Commandments Of Permanent Weight Loss Thou Shalt Never Forget
No doubt, permanent weight loss can be an elusive, exasperating and a tearjerker process for most. With a plethora of weight loss tips and tricks online, it can serve to be a little overwhelming for a dieter as what works for one person, might not work for the other. If you just Google “permanent weight […]
The Buzz Around Green Coffee Bean Extract; Does It Justify The Claims?
Ever since green coffee bean extract was touted as a “fat burner that helps you lose weight,” on a famous episode of “The Dr. Oz Show,” weight loss aficionados cannot stop raving about this hot supplement. Oz tested 100 women to decipher the effects of green bean coffee extract. Half of the participants were administered […]
8 Things You Can Do To Prevent Menopause Weight Gain
Losing weight during menopause is not inevitable. With healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle, you can minimize menopause weight gain. Every woman experiences menopause (the point when ovulation and menstruation stop completely) as they age. This biological change brings many changes for women, putting on some extra pounds is at the top of the […]
Obesity Diet – Eat Healthy to Lose Weight
If you are overweight, you need to cut calories, curb your hunger, exercise daily and stay on track to lose weight. You will face challenges, but with a healthy diet and physical activity you can manage obesity. Obesity is a chronic health problem that affects people all over the globe and can happen for a […]
11 Surefire Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
These holiday weight loss tips will allow you to eat what you want without affecting your waistline. The holiday season is supposed to be the most exciting time of the year. You attend office holiday parties, and family get-together to share festive moments and lots of delicious food with your loved ones. Believe it or […]
Eat Slowly to Lose Weight – 5 Health Benefits of Mindful Eating
When you try to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, you mainly focus on following a diet plan, tracking calories and macros and trying different workouts. In fact, you try every possible way to lose weight. When it comes to losing weight, thinking about what you eat matters most but how you eat can […]
5 Best Weight Loss Shakes – Here’s How Can They Help You Reduce Your Waist Circumference
Weight loss shakes or liquid meal replacements are basically calorie-controlled beverages that are especially designed to help you lose weight naturally. It is one of the easiest weight-loss strategies that help you shed a few pounds and control your crazy food cravings. One of the best things about drinking weight loss shakes is that they […]
4 Best Weight Loss Pills for Men and Women
Maintaining a healthy weight is important to lower your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and other health problems. A healthy and well-balanced diet plan along with regular workout is the key to weight loss success. Though many weight loss diet plans and workout activities can help you lose weight naturally, taking dietary supplements, […]
15 Delicious and Super Easy Chicken Recipes for Weight Loss
Chicken is one of the best weight loss foods that has high nutritional value and helps you maintain a healthy weight. In fact, eating chicken regularly helps you stay healthy while providing sufficient protein supply that is important for sustaining muscles and building strength. This lean meat with high protein, low fat and no fat […]
13 High Protein Recipes for Fat Loss
Creating a perfect weight loss plan that perfectly fits your lifestyle and gives you the best results usually takes careful planning. If you want to lose weight, following a high protein diet can give you the desired results. This is because your body needs extra energy to break it down while reducing the chances of […]
12 Incredibly Simple and Delicious Keto Diet Recipes You Should Try for Weight Loss
For many sticking to the high-fat, moderate protein, and extremely low-carb diet is a challenge. Cutting back on carbs, minimizing meat, and eating more veggies is a daunting task. With little motivation, exercise, and delicious food ideas, you can successfully achieve your weight loss goals. One of the most popular weight-loss diets – keto diet […]
Why Am I Not Losing Weight? 8 Things You are Probably Not Noticing
Have you tried every diet plan, nutritional supplement, and workout plan to lose weight, but didn’t get the desired result? Don’t worry; you are not alone. Losing weight is a challenge. Choosing the right diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle can make this daunting task easier. Besides following a calorie-restricted diet and performing physical activities, […]
7 Incredibly Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast
These metabolism-boosting tricks will help you burn belly fat faster and stay in shape. Have you tried the ketogenic diet, Mediterranean diet, or paleo diet, but still can’t get your desired weight loss results? Don’t worry; you are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of ways to lose weight, but nothing will work if […]
5 Weight-Loss Friendly Veggies that You Should Add to Your Diet
If you are struggling hard to get rid of belly fat, you are not alone. There are millions of people who are trying every diet, supplements and exercise to reduce the pesky fat. Thankfully, there are some healthy foods that have fat burning properties and can boost your overall health. Vegetables are one of them. […]