While age eludes all of us at one point or another, certain nutritional supplements promise to augment a few years to your life, or at least amp up your health. In a culture that puts a premium on youth, it’s no bolt from the blue that people are constantly on the lookout for a magic […]
8 Nutrient-Rich Seeds that You Should Add to Your Diet Plan
Seeds are super healthy and a powerhouse of nutrients that can be eaten raw or pureed into the scrumptious spread. These tiny superfoods contain protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients to deliver loads of health benefits. According to some dieticians, seeds are a plant-based source that you can add to your daily diet plan to […]
Anybody can reap the innumerable benefits of meditation and exercise for a healthier, contented and improved lifestyle. For those individuals afflicted with Diabetes Type 2, leading a customary life with societal obligations may somewhat be a struggle. Unfortunately completely curing the condition is still a medical mystery but the symptoms associated with it can be […]
8 Diet Mistakes You Should Not Be Making During Quarantine
During this COVID-19 pandemic, self-quarantining and social distancing are the best possible solutions to prevent the spread of the virus. Due to this sedentary lifestyle and spending too much time indoors, many people are putting on some extra pounds. Some people are worried about maintaining their weight loss routine during this lockdown, while many want […]
Caring For A COVID-19 Patient At Home; Tips To Stay Safe
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and you’re caring for yourself at home or you’re caring for a loved one with COVID-19 at home, your mind must be buzzing with questions about how to keep safe and protect others around you. What can you do to prevent the spread of germs? How can you […]
Avert Food Poisoning; Foods to avoid When You Have a Weakened Immune System
Certain foods are more prone to be contaminated with bugs, which may lead to food poisoning in the long run. While most healthy people recover from food poisoning on their own, people over 65, young children, pregnant women, and those with underlying health condition, are vulnerable to a bout of severe food poisoning since their […]
The Wonders of Vitamin C for Your Skin
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a miraculous nutrient for a number of reasons. It is a research-proven natural ingredient that can offer a myriad of health benefits. Many nutritionists and dietitians recommend getting a healthy dose of vitamin C through a well-balanced diet can help support your immune system and overall health. […]
How to Control Your Weight During the Coronavirus Quarantine
There are many effective ways to manage your weight during the coronavirus hibernating phase. During this stressful time of the COVID-19 pandemic that is filled with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, it is hard not to worry about what the future has in store for us. The fears about COVID-19 and an easy access to your […]
How To Boost Immune System To Combat The Coronavirus Pandemic
With the outbreak of Covid-19 wreaking havoc across the globe, there is one questions on everybody’s lips: “how to boost immune system to fight COVID-19?” We are in the midst of a global crisis, facing an enemy we know nothing about. Scientists over the world are trying to figure out how to fully prevent or […]
8 Best Supplements For Men To Build Muscle Fast
If you take a stroll through the health section of any major store, you would come across rows after rows of self-proclaimed best supplements for men geared towards replenishing the body, maximizing your growth potential, and building lean muscle after a strenuous workout. As there is no one-formula-fits-all, not all supplements work for everybody. Since […]
7 Steps to Adopting a “No Meat Diet”; Become A reducetarian in 2020
Owing to the horrible findings of extensive researches, increasingly more and more people are shirking meat completely to opt for a bona fide vegetarian life. However, despite the innumerable benefits afforded by a pure vegan, no meat diet, it is “easier said than done” to change a lifetime of dietary habits. You can’t expect someone […]
Anti-inflammatory Diet – What to Eat and What Not
Sometimes, inflammation is chronic, which can damage body cells. Following an anti-inflammatory diet can fight inflammation and improve your health. Inflammation is a natural response to injury or diseases which shows your immune system battles an infection or illness. When you catch an infection or your tissues are damaged due to injury, your immune system […]
DASH Diet – A Healthy Approach to Lower Your Blood Pressure
Have you ever heard of the DASH diet? If not, here is a complete guide to the DASH diet plan that is aimed at lowering your high blood pressure and improving your overall health. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH Diet) is a healthy eating plan exclusively designed for people with hypertension to […]
Winter Diet – How to Stay Cozy with These Winter Comfort Foods
Eat warming pies, stews, roasts, soups and other comfort foods to stay cozy this winter. There is no denying the fact that your diet is crucial to strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy. In winter, as the temperature drops, the craving for winter comfort foods takes a steep hike. During winter months, staying […]
8 Things You Can Do To Prevent Menopause Weight Gain
Losing weight during menopause is not inevitable. With healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle, you can minimize menopause weight gain. Every woman experiences menopause (the point when ovulation and menstruation stop completely) as they age. This biological change brings many changes for women, putting on some extra pounds is at the top of the […]
26 Super Scrumptious, Low-Fat Holiday Recipes
The holiday season isn’t usually the time for low-fat, low-calorie recipes, but if you want to stick to your weight loss goals, here are some easy-to-make, nutrient-dense holiday recipes for your winter holiday party. During the holiday season when temptations to rich, indulgent dishes lurk around every corner, sticking to your nutritious goals can become […]
Obesity Diet – Eat Healthy to Lose Weight
If you are overweight, you need to cut calories, curb your hunger, exercise daily and stay on track to lose weight. You will face challenges, but with a healthy diet and physical activity you can manage obesity. Obesity is a chronic health problem that affects people all over the globe and can happen for a […]
A Delicious Gluten Free Diet Plan to Keep You Healthy
Whether you have a gluten allergy or want to choose a gluten free diet to live healthily, here is an easy guide that helps you to eliminate gluten from your diet. If you have celiac disease, then flowing a gluten free diet is the only option to manage this lifelong, autoimmune disorder. Cutting out wheat, […]
Top 9 Winter Vegetables to Add to Your Diet
If you are wondering how to avoid winter gain, eat more vegetables to maintain a healthy weight. There is no denying the facts that eating vegetables offer innumerable health benefits. Vegetables provide a perfect blend of nutrients, fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals vital for your overall well being. Incorporating vegetables into your diet plan is […]
Cinnamon – 11 Creative Ways to Add Weight Loss Spice to Your Diet
Cinnamon is an incredibly healthy and extremely delicious spice that has been known for its therapeutic properties for many years. This powerful spice has miraculous effects on health and metabolism. The higher antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties make cinnamon an effective remedy for many common illnesses. Cinnamon is so versatile and can be added to […]
8 Stress-Reducing Foods that You Should Add to Your Diet
Whether it’s a deadline at work, moving into a new home, relationship or financial issues, a stressful situation can cause a series of reactions in the body. The adrenal glands release cortisol to naturally cope with stressful circumstances. Cortisol affects your mood, appetite, immunity and blood pressure and causes unnecessary strain on the body. Stress […]